워드프레스 젯팩 플러그인 9.8 업데이트

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젯팩 플러그인 9.8 업데이트 내용은 아래와 같습니다.

9.8 - 2021-06-01


Contact Form: the "Feedback > Export CSV" submenu entry has been removed. The export functionality is still available in "Feedback > Form Responses".
Form block: allow replacing the "Message Sent" heading with custom phrase.
Instagram Reel: add oEmbed support for Instagram Reel posts.
Instant Search: add 'open when visitor submits the form' overlay trigger.
Instant Search: apply configured highlight color to text highlights.
Site Verification Tools: adds an option for Facebook domain verification.
Story Block: add new block that enables you to use photos and videos to create engaging and tappable fullscreen slideshows.

호환성 개선

Blocks: ensure blocks are compatible with upcoming Full Site Editor feature.
Blocks: ensure tiled gallery and slideshow blocks do not output invalid CSS when used with AMP plugin.
Dashboard: hide Settings page for non-admin users when in site-only connection.
Instant Search: ensure search input is the correct width if an input max-width has been specified in the theme.
Related Posts: add height attribute to post images for better compatibility with page performance analysis tools.
Related Posts: avoid Fatal Errors when using plugins that may interact with WordPress' customizer in specific ways.
SEO Tools: ensure Jetpack SEO does not conflict with SEOPress.
Story Block: Improve accessibility and resolve z-index issues when playing in fullscreen.

버그 수정

Carousel: harden fetching comments in Carousel view.
Contact Form: remove double quotes from names in email headers to improve compatibility with different emailing solutions for WordPress.
Dashboard: display the Sharing settings tab when editors only need to customize Publicize settings for their own account.
Dashboard: do not display Protect card for non-admin users while in site-only connection.
Dashboard: do not show multiple connection prompts in the Publicize settings card.
Dashboard: ensure connected user details properly displayed.
Dashboard: ensure that the Jetpack settings page can be accessed when using Jetpack's Offline mode.
Fixed regression introduced in posts page icon notification WP-Admin edit.php page.
General: ensures that the send_auth_cookies filter is respected.
Instant Search: don't photon-ize SVG images as they're not supported by Photon
Instant Search: fixes for design conflicts.
Instant Search: prevent standard sidebar widgets ending up in the search modal sidebar when switching themes.
Social Previews: don't show duplicate buttons when a featured image is selected.
Stats: fixes the date used to fetch the Top posts in the Top posts dashboard widget.

젯팩 플러그인 9.8에서 눈에 들어오는 추가된 기능은 바로 구글 스토리를 지원하는 스토리 블록이 추가되는 점이 아닐까 합니다.
아직 국내에는 구글 스토리 활용이 많지 않은 것으로 보입니다만 여행 관련 포스팅을 하는 블로거라면 구글 스토리가 SEO 측면에서 좋은 활용수단으로 생각이 됩니다.

Rank Math SEO 플러그인도 구글 스토리를 지원하고 있는데, 이제 젯팩 플러그인도 SEO 연관 기능을 신경 쓰는 듯 합니다.
젯팩 플러그인이 이러다가 만능 플러그인이 되겠습니다. ^^

젯팩 플러그인 웹사이트 : https://ko.jetpack.com/